~ 4 Servings ~ Time 1h ~ 5 days in the fridge ~


  • 2 serving sunflower flour dough 
  • 75 gr (3 serving) Chia raspberry jam
  • 1/3 cup macadamia nuts roasted and lightly crushed.
  • 45 gr vanilla cream glaze.


  1. If needed, prepare the jam, the glaze and the dough.
  2. Roast the macadamia nuts and crushed them.
  3. Roll the dought in a rectangle form about 10cm on 20cm and cut like first photo.
  4. Add the roasted nuts, and place the jam on it.
  5. Close the dough like 
  6. Bake for 18 min @ 170C.
  7. Sprinkle with the vanilla glaze and serve.
  8. ,,,,


Tools and time


Nutritional data

Original recipe @ Keto Danish Pastry (With Chia Raspberry Jam!)