Tag: Lapland Xmas 2019 Page 6 of 7
– a dog walk –

At first you see a sign like that on the road :

First thing i think ‘They really didn’t draw deer like us… might be moose ?!” i chase the idea of my mind, moose are too big animal to be found in Europe, it’s a thing for Canada or USA. And after seeing multiple time the sign and this wood statue on the side of the road :

There are more Moose in Sweden per square kilometer than any other country in the World…. There are 400,000 moose in Sweden….
Wild Sweden, Facts about Moose.
I decided to search about it, it appears that the moose (US word) or the Elk (British word) or élan (in french) is called here in Sweden the Älg is definitely present in Sweden and in big numbers.
In the Highland we’re perfectly know the Red deer which look like this :

I was ready to find reindeers :

But those one are a big surprise :

PS: i’ve also see they have bears & lynx 😱

I always wanted to try this product but always forget to buy lol it’s on my wish list since… forever ! i even forget to tell the man in red & white 🎅 to send it for Xmas 😩. So when i saw it in the room (a sample size bottle) i was really excited !!! and so i tried it at the time of bed and put it on my pillow… the smell is really nice, not making my head fuzzy and my over-reactive-rosacea-prone-skin didn’t react (a first !) so it’s nice, for the sleeping part it’s difficult to judge after a 5h hour car ride i was really tired so i practically fall asleep before being in bed 🤣. So a really nice product but to re-try at a more normal time !

I really don’t understand why people make such a fuss about falling asleep, i’m asleep 15/24h !
GLOBULE, still asleep from napping 😴
You can find the deep sleep pillow spray @thisworks.

Why we love it : Relaxation is essential for getting a good night’s sleep, and This Works’ pillow spray has been formulated with this in mind. The soothing blend of Lavender, Vetivert and Wild Camomile essential oils will help calm the mind in preparation for a restorative slumber.
Net a porter.